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This Is My Life

Last Updated March 2, 2025 4 Min Watch

In this moving video, LifeWorx caregivers share their personal journeys, revealing the passion and purpose that drive their careers in elder care. Through their stories, they explain why they chose this career and the joy they find in making a difference every day. From uplifting clients’ spirits to forming deep, unbreakable bonds, these caregivers show how their compassion transforms lives. “This Is My Life” celebrates the dedication and humanity behind caregiving, highlighting the profound impact of bringing care, dignity, and friendship to those in need.


This is my life.

This is what I love to do.

I enjoy helping people.

It’s satisfying.

I feel gratified when I help someone that is unable to help themselves.

When you fall and a complete stranger gives you a hand to hold onto, you’ll never forget that.

It’s just about being gracious, you know, giving people that space to have help and not be ashamed.

Sometimes they just look at you and smile, and it makes your day.

You feel like you have done something for somebody who cannot do for themselves.

In your heart… your heart is full with love at that time.

My favorite client?

They’re all my favorites, I’m sorry. All of them. I love all of them.

There is that connection there.

You create a bond between you and the client, and sometimes that bond is unbreakable.

It really doesn’t feel like I’m clocking in and saying, “Okay, time to get to work.”

It really feels like I’m almost coming home in a way.

I like to listen to them.

You learn a lot.

When you sit and listen to them, it makes them feel like they’re living again.

Most cases, they don’t want me leaving. They say, “What time are you coming back tomorrow? You coming back?”

And that makes me feel good—you know, I actually did something for them that they want me to be around.

You bring life to them by encouraging them and allowing them to be themselves and to live.

My very first client? She was a woman that, in her prime, was this beautiful, tall Italian woman that always dressed to the nines.

I had just gotten her out of the shower, and that morning she said, “Curl my hair and put this on me.”

And I said, “Absolutely! Yes!”

She just seemed so happy and so alive.

And she looked at me and she said, “I feel beautiful.”

It was really that day that everything sort of clicked for me—that the things I did, even as small as curling someone’s hair, could make such a big difference.

And that made me feel really nice.

For me, it’s very personal, giving people the care that I do.

I do it with my heart.

I do it from my heart.

Everything I’m doing, I’m doing it in my heart just to make somebody smile.

I have a lot of love and compassion, and I would hope that when my family, my friends, get to a point where they need help, there are people like me to help them.

I’ve learned to be patient.

I’ve learned how to really love.

And I’ve learned life is everything.

I’ve been in a lot of industries where I’ve had the opportunity to make money, but maybe not really make much of an impact in someone’s life.

To be able to come home and say, “I helped someone today,” or, “I made someone’s life a little bit better,” that’s something I could never put a price tag on.

I live in the world of the individual that I bring care to.

Your spouse may not understand where you’re going… your children may not understand where you’re going.

But if you can find one person who takes time to live in that world with you…

…that is a friend.