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7 Health Conditions to Watch for As You Age

By LifeWorx Team Last Updated April 25, 2024 3 Min Read

As we age, what are some of the most common health problems we may face, and how can we manage these well? Age, family, genetics, and gender are all factors for older adults to avoid becoming chronic disease statistics.It is crucial to understand the issues that individuals may encounter as we age and to know there are preventative steps that may put yourself or your loved ones on a path to happy and healthy aging.

Growing older, it is natural to be concerned about our health as there are numerous potential health problems, such as hypertension, arthritis, and other chronic health conditions that you should be aware of. Here are the 7 most common health conditions seniors may be aware of:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease – Alzheimer’s Disease is one of the specific types of dementia – a condition that causes memory loss and difficulty thinking or problem-solving which can interfere with everyday activities. Some of the most common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are forgetting recently learned information, repeatedly asking for the same information, confusion about time and place, etc.
  • Parkinson’s Disease – Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder that affects the nervous system and the parts of the body controlled by the nerves. People usually develop the disease around age 60 or older. Parkinson’s is caused by genes and environmental factors, like exposure to toxins.
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure) – This is a common condition that involves both how much blood your heart pumps as well as how resistant your arteries are to the blood flow. The danger of hypertension is not only that you can have it for years and not know it, but it can cause other serious health conditions, like stroke and heart attacks.
  • Depression – Older adults are less likely to confide their feelings of sadness and despair. Also, they are at greater risk of depression if they have a physical illness and medical condition that can make symptoms worse. Therefore, it’s important to recognize the signs of depression to get the help needed.
  • Falls – Falls are very common in older adults. Some falls can cause only minor injuries, but they are scary and can cause older adults to restrict their activities. Most falls can cause life-changing injuries, such as broken hips and head injuries, and are a major reason people have to leave their homes.
  • Osteoporosis – This is a condition in which is known as “brittle bone disease”, osteoporosis is characterized by mass loss, which leads to thinning and weakening bones. The most common symptoms of osteoporosis are bone pain, fractures, and a loss of height. Osteoporosis is most common, especially for women over the age of 50 when estrogen levels typically begin to decline.
  • Arthritis – Arthritis is a common problem for seniors because it is related to aging. Arthritis can be caused by overuse of joints, genetics, and age. It is a commonly described symptom of old age. The discomfort may result in declined capability for completing day-to-day functions and a lower quality of life.

Aging is not a disease, but it is a risk factor for these different conditions we’ve listed and many others. Despite our best efforts, there are many contributing factors to health issues. If you are looking for high-quality care and assistance for your loved one, LifeWorx is here to make it easier for your loved one to receive the services they may need and deserve.

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